Terms and conditions
March 19, 2024 2024-03-20 8:30Terms and conditions
This document, through its content, makes available to third party users the Regulation on the Terms and Conditions of Use of the www.centrulconfident.ro site.
The site is operated by CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL, located in Uranus Street 132A, sector 5, Bucharest, enrolled in the Trade Register under number J40/13911/2018, VAT no. RO39929993, hereinafter referred to as ‘CONFIDENT CENTRE’.
The use of the site (including access, navigation and purchase of tickets from this site) constitutes an implicit agreement to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this document with all the effects and consequences arising from it.
The Site Administrator reserves the right to modify the content of this agreement at any time, without prior notice to the persons who use it, hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Customer“. Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the services, in order to be able to consult them at any time.
The terms and conditions below refer to registrations on the centrulconfident.ro site and participation in courses / services / products and events offered by CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING. In order to have all the information regarding the conditions of registration and participation in the courses / services of CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING, please read carefully the following. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at one of the following phone numbers: 0756.310.661 or 0759.824.657.
By completing and sending the registration form that appears on the centrulconfident.ro, the client / student enrolls in the courses / events or purchase of services / products included in the CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING curriculum is responsible for the correctness of the data provided by him. The wrong e-mail address or telephone number entails the non-registration of the registration / request, given that CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING cannot contact the student.
User – any person visiting www.nlpconfident.com website.
Customer – natural / legal person who places an Order.
Products and Services – any product or service mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the Seller, to the Customer.
Order – an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Customer through which the Customer expresses his intention to purchase certain Products and Services and make their payment.
Voucher = promotional code, promotional coupon.
Agreement – an Order confirmed by the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and deliver the Products and Services and the Customer agrees to purchase, receive and make payment for these Products and/or Services.
The site administrator – Elena Cozma, reserves the right to modify at any time the content of this agreement, without prior notice to the persons who use it, hereinafter referred to as “Users”. Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of the services, in order to be able to consult them at any time.
Site content and intellectual property rights
The content of this site may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, for purposes other than those expressly and legally permitted. The extraction of any information followed by any commercial use that goes beyond the scope of private copying regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without the prior written consent of the owners of the property rights constitutes a violation of the terms and conditions.
You also agree not to affect or interfere in any way with the security features of the site, with elements that prevent or restrict the use, copying of content or elements that strengthen the limits of use of the site or its content.
The administrator Elena Cozma makes permanent efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information on the site, but sometimes they may contain inaccuracies (specifications or price of products modified by the manufacturer without notice or vitiated by operating errors). Please note: photos are for information purposes only and may contain accessories not included in standard packages.
In order to access and use certain sections of the website, it may be necessary to create a personal account. You hereby declare that you assume full responsibility for all and any of the activities performed through the account you open on the website and, consequently, we advise you to ensure the security of your account password or other access data. If the security of your account is compromised, you must notify the site administrator immediately. Elena Cozma is not responsible for damages caused to you or caused to third parties of any kind by unauthorized use of the account.
Applicable law
By using the site, the user agrees that Romanian laws will govern the Terms and Conditions of Use and any dispute of any kind that may arise between users and the administrator of CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL or its associates/partners/affiliates. In case of possible conflicts, they will first try to solve them amicably, and if amicable settlement is not possible, the conflict will be settled in court, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
Service availability
The site administrator reserves the right to modify the structure and interface of any page or subpage of the site at any time and at any chosen free time interval, having the right to temporarily or permanently, partially or totally interrupt the services made available to the public through this website without prior individual or general notice.
If you have any questions or concerns about these terms of use, do not hesitate to contact us through the dedicated contact form or at contact@confidentbusiness.ro, contact@centrulconfident.ro, contact@nlpconfident.ro
Mode of operation – delivery of services/products
Orders placed on www.nlpconfident.com website and all related websites (e.g. centrulconfident.ro, confidentbusiness.ro) are confirmed by a registration email received after completing the order. Tickets / access to ordered services / products are sent by e-mail within 48 hours of completing the order.
Following the successful completion of an online order, the purchasing user receives on the provided email address the purchased tickets, which he can then print to present at the entrance to the event / online place (in the case of these types of purchases). Alternatively, the buyer can present the tickets directly on the smartphone screen, which we recommend.
In the case of digital products (online courses), the buyer will receive the purchased digital product within 36 hours of processing the order, via archive link, which he can download to his laptop-personal computer.
How to sign up/buy online:
The registration button is located on the right side of the presentation page of each course/event/service/product, below the course/service details. Before registering/hiring for payment, please read carefully the details: field, trainer/specialist presentation, start date (running period), frequency, minimum age of student/client, course/service fee, venue and maximum number of course places (where applicable). In order to register for a course / event or to purchase a digital course / service of CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING, you must click on the REGISTER / BUY button and fill in the fields included in the registration / invitation to purchase service / product message.
Price of courses/tickets/services/products:
All prices displayed on the site are in EUR / RON and, in the case of courses, are expressed per module (total number of course sessions, including work materials, where applicable). Places at courses and events on the centrulconfident.ro website are available within the limits of existing seats in the classroom or according to accreditations.
Payment methods:
For the purchase of products / services or tickets for access to courses / events, CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL accepts the following payment methods:
Payment by card
Payments via debit or credit cards are processed by http://mobilpay.ro/ and partner of CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL in processing these payments. Communication with the processor is made through a secure SSL connection, the transmitted data being encrypted. All card information will be processed exclusively by the payment processor.
By actively maintaining the option Activate the quick payments option, present in the online payment form made available to CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL by the payment processor, the user agrees to activate the service through which online payments can be made later only by entering the CVC2 / CVV security code.
Payment by bank transfer
It will be made on the basis of the proforma received from your order, on the bank details sent by you.
Refund of tickets to courses / events or products / services
The ticket / the value of the purchased service / product can be returned / or exchanged only in compliance with the conditions below, unless the respective event is canceled (no longer takes place), in which case the return of the ticket / the value of the services and the refund of the amounts paid will be made according to the following. Under no circumstances shall refund requests received on or after the date of the event be considered.
- The return of the ticket / the value of the service / product can be made within the terms and in compliance with the conditions below, by sending a request in this regard to contact@nlpconfident.com, contact@confidentbusiness.ro, or contact@centrulconfident.ro
- If the request for return is made at least 30 days before the date of the event (or depending on the contractual dates – for events in which a contract is concluded), within the deadline, the ticket buyer receives, as a result of cancellation of the ticket, either 90% of the amount paid as ticket price (excluding other taxes, tariffs, costs, expenses incurred by the buyer when purchasing it), or a voucher for the full amount (determined according to the above provisions). The voucher can be used to purchase tickets to other events, products or services through the www.nlpconfident.com website or related websites.
- If the request for return is made at least 14 days before the date of the event (or depending on the contractual data – for events for which a contract is concluded), the ticket / service buyer receives as a result of cancellation of the ticket / service, either 70% of the amount paid as ticket price (excluding other taxes, tariffs, costs, expenses incurred by the buyer when purchasing it), or a voucher for the same amount (determined according to the above provisions). The voucher can be used to purchase tickets / products / services to other events through the www.centrulconfident.ro website or related sites.
- If the request for return is made at least 7 days before the date of the event (or on its first day, in case of a course), the ticket / service buyer receives, as a result of ticket cancellation, either 50% of the amount paid as ticket price (excluding other taxes, tariffs, costs, expenses incurred by the buyer when purchasing it), or a voucher for 50% of the amount paid as the ticket price (excluding other taxes, tariffs, costs, expenses incurred by the buyer when purchasing it). The voucher can be used to purchase tickets to other events through the www.nlpconfident.com website or related websites.
Depending on the moment of filing the request, the buyer will find himself in one of the situations mentioned in items 1-3 above, without being able to combine or cumulate them. In other words, if the request is made 18 days before the date of the event, operate exclusively point 2 above (without cumulatively acquiring the rights mentioned in point 3 above).
Tickets can be returned or exchanged only with the consent of the organizer of the respective event if the request is made less than 7 days before the date of the event.
The refund of money to customers who request cancellation of the purchase of services / tickets / digital products, depending on the moment of the request by the buyer (according to the situations in points 1-3 above), will be made within a maximum of 15 working days, from the moment of registration of the request by email, in the contact@nlpconfident.com,
contact@confidentbusiness.ro, or contact@centrulconfident.ro
inbox .
In the request sent by email, it is necessary to mention the account from which the online payment was made, in order to return the amount to the same account.
In the event of cancellation of an event, please send your request to contact@nlpconfident.com, contact@confidentbusiness.ro, or contact@centrulconfident.ro
Further, CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING TRAINING SRL depending on the moment when the request is made, will refund the full amount, within maximum 15 working days, only by bank transfer or by crediting the operation directly to the card with which the payment was made (in the case of transactions processed through www.mobilpay.ro). In order to remove any doubt, CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL specifies that only the ticket price will be refunded (without other taxes, tariffs, costs, expenses incurred by the buyer when purchasing it). In order to be able to return the money within a maximum of 15 working days, depending on when the request was made, it is necessary to send the IBAN code to the email address contact@nlpconfident.com, contact@confidentbusiness.ro, or contact@centrulconfident.ro
Digital products
Digital products are transmitted only in electronic format (to the e-mail address specified in the Order), so they are not in the form of physical products to be delivered to the Customer. Payment for digital products is made exclusively online (bank card, bank transfer), cash on delivery payment is not possible.
To the extent that the Customer has received a valid download link in accordance with the Order placed on the site, it will be considered that the service centrulconfident.ro has undertaken to provide has been fulfilled and accepted by the Customer. Download links provided to the Customer cannot be withdrawn once they have been sent.
If the Customer purchases a digital product that is not compatible with the device and/or this incompatibility is publicly specified on the site, it will not be possible to return the value of the products as long as the Customer has been delivered a valid download link that works.
Each voucher is identified by a voucher code and has various requirements to be valid and applicable. Please carefully check all details and information on the voucher so that the discount can be granted to you.
The value of each voucher is specified on it.
Vouchers are not intended for resale and cannot be converted into cash.
Vouchers cannot be replaced if they are lost, stolen or destroyed.
Conditions for applying vouchers
Each voucher is limited to a single use and is valid for a limited period of time, as will be mentioned on the voucher, in the voucher offering email and in the user account section “vouchers”, or as mentioned in each promotion / offer separately. CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL reserves the right to modify or cancel these vouchers at any time, with prior notice to customers.
No voucher can be applied to other promotions/offers except those strictly mentioned in the respective offer.
If the products/services for which the voucher has been awarded and for which the customer has qualified for the promotion have not been purchased, the voucher cannot be used. For example, vouchers granted for certain products that are subsequently canceled or returned by the customer cannot be considered valid, they have effect only if the discount is applied to those products / services that have been paid.
Promotional offers cannot be cumulated in the same order. Only one discount voucher can be used per order.
Any voucher will be valid from the date of its application as a discount on the order already made. A voucher cannot be applied to an order placed in the past.
Information note on personal data protection
According to the requirements of Law nr. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and completed, and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, the site administrator will manage safely and only for the specified purposes, the personal data provided by users. We inform you that the personal data that users provide to the site administrator are processed in order to provide optimal services. Users understand and accept that the personal data they provide are processed in order to provide in optimal conditions by the site administrator advertising, marketing and advertising services, electronic communications services and services associated with the online platform for selling tickets to events.
Each user, at his own option, provides some of his personal data to benefit from the service offered by the site administrator. Refusal to provide certain data may lead to the impossibility of accessing certain services through the site.
Your personal data may be provided to the contractual partners of CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL involved in providing services through the site.
According to Law nr. 677/2001, each user benefits from the right of access, intervention on data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice.
At the same time, the user has the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning him and to request the deletion of data. Users understand and accept that the deletion of their personal data will be followed by the impossibility to access the service offered by the site administrator.
In order to exercise these rights, each user may make a written request in this regard, which he can then send by mail to the address of the site administrator: CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL based in Str.Uranus nr.132A, ground floor / et.2, sector 5, Bucharest or by e-mail to: contact@nlpconfident.com, contact@confidentbusiness.ro or contact@centrulconfident.ro
Limitation of Liability
CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL is not responsible in any way, to any extent and do not bear any responsibility for the card payment processing service. CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL is not responsible for any error and/or fraud arising out of, or in connection with, this service. However, although payment services are offered and directed entirely and independently by our suppliers, CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL will take all reasonable measures to limit as much as possible the risk of such errors and / or fraud.
Tax invoice for legal entities
For orders made on behalf of a legal entity, tax invoices will be issued following a written request received on contact@nlpconfident.com, contact@confidentbusiness.ro, contact@centrulconfident.ro. The request must contain: the order number or the name on which the order was made and the complete billing data (company name, VAT no., Trade Reg. No., Bank Account, bank where the account is opened, delegate).
In order to provide updated information, centrulconfident.ro will periodically make changes to the content of the site, changes referring to information about courses, descriptions, pictures, prices, etc. Prices on the site may change depending on the costs of a course and lecturers’ fees. Nlpconfident.com is not liable for damages generated by the Internet connection, in using, copying or displaying the content of the site also declining liability, for any disadvantages that may occur due to software errors or other technical malfunctions occurred on the server.
Privacy Policy:
Centrulconfident.ro undertakes not to transmit the personal data of site users to third parties and to use them only for the purpose of establishing contact with its students / customers, as well as for informing them about aspects related to the operation of the site and its offers. CONFIDENT BUSINESS TRAINING SRL will retain personal data and will use them for the purpose of informing users about the www.nlpconfident.com curriculum and sending by email REMINDERS for paying for the course / service and / or for starting the course, to those enrolled in that course.
By ticking the box, the User / Customer declares that he has been informed about the Terms and Conditions of Use of the www.centrulconfident.ro site, that he understood its content and that he freely expressed his consent in order to comply with them.